We had a terrific day of celebration with family, friends and neighbors.

My sister picked some Hairy False Goldenaster on the weekend for me.
I placed them in this great Robert Held Blue Poppy art glass vase. I diffused the background by hanging sheer drapes on the second rod in the living room window. I was always setting up something temporary. Now, they will stay up all the time.

This book was a great one. Covering time during the Second World War and the early 1950s. The name character is a strong woman who flew airplanes for Russia. A war correspondent who was connected in another way was the other main character. It was a nice change in point of view as I have read many with England as the background. The end has a interesting twist and excellent ending. Would highly recommend this book.

Made of Wood was the theme for Flickr Macro Monday. This a section of wood magnet from Hawaii brought back by a friend a couple years ago.
You can visit my Flickr photo stream to see which photo I submitted.
You can check out the submissions for the theme here.
I am finding the cloves especially beautiful this year.
Top left is white clover.
Top right is a Great Crested Grebe
Bottom left is Perennial Sow Thistle.
Bottom right is a Cinnamon Teal.
I really enjoyed seeing the sides of the highways covered by Yellow Sow Thistles. It looked like a garden planted along the way.
Sharing with Mosaic Monday #38