It's been a little rocky as we have had to cancel a couple of times due to weather and my illness.
We studied 2 per session, met from 9:30 - 11:00 am and generally some of us had lunch together afterward.
We have been 7 ladies sharing about these qualities that God grows in us when we cooperate with Him. These ladies have been well engaged and participatory in the sessions. We have shared of our challenges and joys. We have gotten to know ourselves and each other a bit better.
It has been a great privilege to facilitate this study.

I found a printable to give to the ladies today as a reminder of our time together. It was designed by Sara D. and you can find it here.
Feb 14 - Cancelled for Snow
Session 1 - Living a Fruitful Life & Love - Feb 21
Feb 28 - Cancelled due to my being sick
Session 2 - Joy and Peace - Mar 07
Session 3 - Patience and Kindness - Mar 14
Session 4 - Goodness and Faithfulness - Mar 21
Session 5 - Gentleness and Self Control - Mar 28
Sylvia - good for you to persevere despite some challenges along the way! Historically, I have not participated in group sessions of this type, but I would like to in the future ... I think you get more out of it with the benefit of thoughts from others, and it also creates some accountability. A very Happy Easter to you!