The 2 ladies MS & DM arrived at 9:30 am and the space was all ready to play with paint, paper, and texture.
Of course, the coffee was on.
The tools and supplies were out. Craft table, work space mats, acrylic paint, water spray bottle, rubbing alcohol and rags for clean up.
Tools were brushes, collagraph plates, rubber stamps, brayer, stencils, and gelli plates.
Texture -The first was playing with texture and the ladies had brought collagraph plates. Paint was applied with brushes then a damp piece paper was laid on the surface and pressed with fingers into each nook to capture the print.
This is a plate created by one of the ladies. It is sort of trees. It is hot glue onto board. What a fun thing to do - creating art with hot glue.
Rubber Stamps - Paint was applied to the gelli plate and used like a large ink pad. The stamps were pressed onto the plate and stamped onto white card stock.

The advantage of this method your print is permanent when dry.
Stencils - The gelli plate was cleaned with rubbing alcohol. The stencil was laid onto the plate and paint was applied with a brayer. The stencil was carefully removed and then a piece of white card stock was placed onto the gelli plate to capture the print.
In a couple of hours several prints were created with various methods, we got to know each other a bit better, the creative process include collaborations and discussions and a good time was had by all.
This is one of the pieces created by DM
It was created by using rubber stamps as texture on the gelli plate then capturing the print onto card stock.
I think it is wonderful.
Some of the prints stayed at my house as they were not dry yet. I will connect with MS in a couple of weeks.
Sylvia - isn't it just joyful to spend time with like-minded, crafty individuals? We learn so much from each other. The last piece is a delight - so many layers and textures - each time I look I see something new. Enjoy the rest of your week!