I'm posting photos for the last week.
Day 23 Path - Winter
This is the sidewalk with footprints. This photo is from a couple of years ago but we received a pile of snow yesterday so I expect it looks a lot like this now. It's very cold here and it's just too cold to be venturing out with a camera.Day 24 Apple - Magnet

Day 25 Shine - Star

A star shines! This is an light ornament in the conservatory a couple of years ago.
Day 26 Food - Popcorn Snack
This is herbed popcorn I brought to one of our potlucks at work. We do it at least 4 times a year. It provides fellowship, allows to get to know each other better, the food is always great and it's a good fun.Day 27 Thankful - Conservatory
I'm really grateful I can go inside these pyramids and see flowers, fruit, fish and running water when it's so cold outside. It provides stress release at the end of a silly day at work. It allows my mind to let go of the day and focus on pretty things.Day 28 Makes me Smile - Shred Snowman

This snowman was created by a friend at work. We decorate our work spaces every year. She took bags filled with paper shred made with the shredder. She made sure it was white paper to fit the need. Added a face, a head, and buttons on his belly. He is really cute!
Day 29 - Home - Mom's Nativity
This is the hand drawn nativity my Mom has put in her dining room window for years. It makes me think of home.Day 30 - Scarf - Pink!

This is one of my favorite scarves. It's handmade by a friend who crocheted it. Light to dark pink! Curvy and swirly too!