Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sylvia's Books Read

 A Year by the Sea - Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman by Joan Anderson.   Finished this book March 03 24.

A book about the author's journey to redefining and discovery herself following the departure of her children into adulthood.

Her husband gets a new job and expects her to follow him as she has before.  She chose to retreat to their family cottage on Cape Cod.

She enjoys her surroundings and gradually discovered her life was full of possibilities.  

Out of that magical, difficult, transformative year came this book. A record of her experiences in a year by the sea.

A good read.

The House Where Angels Dwell by Henry K. Ripplinger is book 6 of the Angelic Letters Series. Finished on Mar 21 24.

After decades apart, Henry and Jenny are finally married and living on Henry’s acreage situated on a hillside overlooking a beautiful panoramic valley. They couldn’t be happier. While Henry is finding fulfillment painting landscapes in his studio, Jenny is leading Bible studies as they relate to marriage and family with small groups of ladies in the city.

The only thing that could make Jenny happier would be to bear Henry a child. Although her age and the fact her body was ravaged by cancer is working against her, Jenny prays with Father Engelmann for another miracle in her life. Will God answer Jenny’s heartfelt wish and prayer?

Ever since Father Engelmann was miraculously healed from his near death experience, life at the care home was never the same. He is felt called to withdraw from the on-going hustle and bustle of the city to the prayer house beside the pond in the valley on Henry’s acreage. In the quietness and serenity of the small chapel in the prayer house, Father continues to offer up his prayers and Mass offerings for his flock.

Let it Shine by Josephine Cox was finished on March 30, 2024.  

She is one of my favorite authors.

Ada Williams believed that money and power would bring her happiness.  But now, she is all alone with a greedy and bitter son Peter who is just waiting for her to die.

A few miles away the Bolton family may be poor but the love they share, the friendship of neighbours, means they can overcome almost any adversity.

The twists and turns in this to discover the connection of these families so far apart.

Great read.

The Longings of Wayward Girls by Karen Brown.

This book is presented in different timelines but not very linear which I understand is done to dramatic effect.

A story about teenage girls and the angst of wanting to belong, being a clique, excluding others your social circle, being interested in boys and sometimes being mean.

I did finish the book but it was not a great read for me.

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