Today the tea is Masala Chai with honey and cream. Yum. It is served in Johnson Brothers Regency White tea cup and saucer. The teapot is by Stokes. Can someone help with the type of tablecloth I have? It is a bit heavy and has this shiny pattern woven into it. It strikes me as 1970s style. Leave me a comment if you know something about this tablecloth.
It's still apple & rhubarb crisp season. The apples came from my Mom's trees and rhubarb from my sister. The blue glass plates are Avon Royal Sapphire Cobalt Blue made in France layered with a simple white plate with a soft ruffled edge by IKEA - ARV.
I had my Mom over yesterday as she is in the city for treatment for the next few weeks. We had a good visit and she is doing well but a bit tired. I hope to have her over once a week.
The flatware has Splendide 18/8 Stainless Steel on the back. Nice heavy utensils.
Submitting to Share Your Cup #217
hosted by Carol at Art&Sand.