Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sylvia's Simple Posts

I was out to visit my sister this weekend.  A lot of memories associated - Mother's Day its been over a year since we lost her so I brought tulips for my sister since Mom is gone.

It was there wedding anniversary - they would have celebrated their 70th year anniversary. The got really close.

We laid them both to rest at the cemetery 1 year ago.

Found these Redhead ducks when I my sister and I headed for a walk around the lake.

We had a family get together this week with a cousin who lost her Dad (my uncle) recently.  My aunt hosted about 15 of us and provided the meat. The rest of us brought salads, bread, and dessert.

It was good to see everyone!

The washing machine is still out of commission due to the fact that the drain hose is still leaking.

The plumber did what he could be it would not stop.

It could not be returned to the painted laundry room so it sat in the hall way for another while.

It needs a look by an appliance repair person and that has been arranged but it will be another 2 weeks.

Under the Visible Life by Kim Echlin was the book I finished this week.

The 2 main characters are young women who have had a bit of a hard life and meet in New York and discover their mutual love of Jazz music.

We get to know Katherine Goodnow - a half Chinese and half Canadian who struggles through a 1950's childhood.  As a teenager she discovers jazz and it transforms her life.  She is talented as a player and composer. It opens many adventures and helps her survive the unreliability of her children's father.

Mahsa Weaver is half American and half Afghani and when she is twelve her parents die and she is sent to live with strict uncle in Karachi. She escapes to Montreal for her education but then finds herself forced into an arranged marriage.  

They meet in New York and are kindred spirits.  The become each others support, creative partners in music, and life long friends as they navigate life's challenges which continue to appear.  Great read.

I picked up this small enameled cast iron pot a Trash to Treasure last week.  It is a Descoware pot made in Belgium. It is an $85 dollar pot and a replacement wood handle would cost $36.

It was dirty and needed a good clean and it need a handle.  I tested to see if a regular broom handle would fit and indeed it would.  My wooden broom handle original to the broom had split many years ago and I had just duct taped it back together.  I headed to the dollar store to buy another handle for the broom so I could use the broken end of the old one for the pot.

I used the Dremel tool to smooth out the end once I had cut it square with the hand saw.  I applied 2 coats of Tung Oil and there it is ready to be used for many years to come.  I should get rid of the small stainless steel one so there is enough space to store it.

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