Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Stitching - Needle Cases

Over the last 4 months I have been working away at making a few more needle cases. I have used a variety of tins and several color combinations.  Some of the tins have been altered.

This case is a simple elegant box of silver toned metal in an oval shape.  I don't know what it's original contents were but now it has been repurposed.

It now holds a stitching needle with 3 applique pins on a felt holder.

I chose to make a black felt holder with an accent of red near the bottom.

This mint tin had advertising on the lid which I was not keen to leave there.  I sanded the lid to remove most of the writing.  I then decorated it with alcohol inks in yellow and blues.  Once it was dry I sealed it with a coat of Modge Podge.

The felt holder has a base of turquoise with a yellow accent on the left hand side.  It holds 1 embroidery needle and 3 applique pins.

A safe way to carry your stitching needles.

This tin had the same issue so I handled it the same way as the one above. 

I chose yellow and pink alcohol inks for this lid and again it was sealed once dry.

The felt holder has a flower stitched onto it and holds 1 embroidery needle and 3 applique pins.

This tin has the Vienna Opera House on the lid which needed to alteration.

I stitched a house felt holder in black and turquoise which holds 1 embroidery needle and 3 applique pins.

This is again a mint tin and I knew that alcohol inks would not completely cover the writing on the it but I think it altered it enough to work.

Again, it was sealed once the ink was dry.

This tin opens differently that the others so I had to alter the felt holder.  I added a ribbon at the top of the tin so it can be pull out of the tin to access the pins.

The felt holder is green with blue on the back.  Whip stitching around the edge with triangles and French knots as decoration.

It holds the same pins as the others.

This is a tall and slim metal tin similar in shape to the previous one. The bonus on this one is the lid is clear.  It closes very securely.

I made the felt holder from burgundy felt with a bit of a flower stitch along one side.

It hold 1 embroidery needle and 3 applique pins.

I spent quite a while thinking about how to package these. I did not want the pins to be touched, I wanted the felt holder to stay with the tin and I wanted the beauty of the tins to very visible.

Here's what I did.  I sealed the felt holder with the pins in a cellophane envelope.  The used a Zot to adhere the envelope to the inside of the tin.  This ensures the needles can not be removed nor can the envelope be removed from the tin.

The envelope can be removed and discarded to use the needles then the felt can be placed back in the tin.

I think this will work well.

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