Monday, June 10, 2024

Slow Stitching - No. 024 - Crazy Patch Work - Stitching

I worked on the stitching all week because I knew it was going to take some time.

Week 24 - This is part 2 of the Crazy Patch Work challenge from last week.

I worked all week because I knew it was going to be a lot of work to get all the stitching done.  I added 3 accents pieces - a bead, a button, and yellow double holed thingy.  Then there is lace, rick rack, and gold cording.

I used French Knots, Seed Stitches, Couching Stitch, Cretan Stitch, Sheaf Stitch, Chain Stitch, Running Stitch, and Stem Stitch. This project increased my comfort zone with using different stitches.  The Elegant Stitches book was very helpful. 

The color scheme was totally based on the center piece of fabric.

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