Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sylvia's Simple Shots

I met a friend at the St. Albert Botanic Park for a walk through nature and the blooming flowers. 

I love the peachy blushy rose and the shot came out nice.

After the walk, we headed to Timmy's for a tea and a visit.

It was a great afternoon after my dental cleaning in the morning.

The Detective's Secret by Lesley Thomson

The second book in a series.  I have not read the first one but I don't think it impacted the story much.  We get some history of some of the characters in the late 1980 when they were teenagers.  Then we move on to 2013 in the present day.

Jack Harmon drives trains for the metro, does detective work and sometimes pitches in at Stella's cleaning business.  Stella Darnell is a detective's daughter and her father has passed away.  Stella has a few employees in her business and all is going very well.

Palmyra Tower is almost a character in this story as well.  Formerly known as Chiswick Tower it is a water tower used for trains in the old days. It has history in relation the main characters. 

The past comes back to the fore when a man dies at an underground station on the metro.  The connections are not clear as names have changed over the years but grudges are still being held.  This was a great read.

I had an opportunity to try out a Sony RX10 camera for a couple of weeks.  I thought with this great zoom it should be wonderful!

It turned out not the be the easy peasy camera I thought it would be.  

It often did it's own thing when focusing, my photo editing software could not read it's RAW files so I had to delete 300 files an start over. I was met with the "function is not available" quite a few times and could not figure out what was preventing my changing the setting I wanted.

I am glad I did not invest in this camera as it was complicated for me to use.

One of the challenges this week was utility knives and blades.  The blue knife on the right lives in my sewing center and I use it disassembled second hand fabric.  It was on it's last point on the blade. No problem I have some in the cupboard which I use in the orange knife and it lives in the craft corner. No way the blades don't fit!

I headed to a big box store to buy a replacement and while there I invested in blades as well.  I tried the Olfa blades in the blue one and they fit so I will put the Olfa in the tools cupboard and I will have blades for a long time.  

Later, I was a ReStore and I could have saved myself some $ if I bought a utility knife there.  Ah well!

The prepping process is starting to move the furniture from the dining room and eventually the living room so that new vinyl floor can be installed.

I have made a selection so I will be ordering the flooring in the next few days and getting it delivered.

It will be a challenge to find hidey holes in the rest of the place for all that has to be moved.

On top of that most of it has to be emptied, moved then refilled.  Went the floor is done then the reverse process will take place.

I have put the IVAR cupboard ontop of the TROFAST in the front hall. I am filling the storage room where the STEN was taken away last week to be sold.  Thanks sister!

The sewing machine as been put away.

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