I have had to remind myself recently to Not Give Up! I have had challenges with the car, the house, creatively with cards and photography and then there is the pandemic!
I took a picture of a park bench at a church yard in my neighbourhood. Plastic ends with 5 pieces of painted 2 x4 and lickadee split you have a bench. I was inspired to use it as a quote back drop. Here it is!
Things are hard and hopefully we are not all down at the same time. When you feel better be sure to encourage those around you! You don't know who may need it so just give it when you can.
I have had quite a few flying creatures appear on my balcony recently which is quite unusual. I have had a couple of sparrows just sit on the rail for a few minutes just where I can see them. They never stay long enough for me to get the camera but I enjoyed them anyway.
This large dragonfly staying for quite a while and I was able to get the camera. I wondered what it was doing. Upon checking the photo on the computer you can see a set of wings right next to the corner. I checked on line for what they eat and they are carnivores! I expect it was eating a fly. Wow! I did not see that coming.
I think of them as pretty and mild kind of creatures!
I have been filling my face full of ripe chokecherries on my walks in the last few mornings. They are always better after a freeze which I hope is not near.
Canada Red Chokecherry trees are full of them and I can pick the bottom ones and leave the high ones for the birds.
I finished "The Paris Orphan" by Natasha Lester this week. It was a great r
Set in the 1940's during World War II and then in modern times. The main character Jessica May goes from model to photojournalist covering the war in Italy, France and Germany. Victorine is the orphan that Dan Hallworth, an American soldier has rescued and "adopted" as she has no one else. Dan is a good man and a great leader so is being promoted during this conflict. He is working hard to motivate his men, protect the women (journalists and nurses) and children. There are many twists and turns in the story so keeping it all straight is a challenge. Great characters which are honorable, trustworthy, prepared to do the hard stuff and love with all their hearts!
After talking with my sister yesterday about the papers I posted here I decided to give it one more try.
I made this one this morning and it comes much closer to what I had in mind.
I used liquid acrylic ink in teal, chrome yellow and silver metallic on this grey patterned designer paper. I was looking for ink splotches. I achieved this by knocking my wet paintbrush against another directly above the card stock from about 2 feet.
Really happy with this one.
I have found several window paintings during my walks around town. These are reflections on windows of building where the glass creates a distorted image of the reflections. The panes around it are flat and reflect the objects quite realistically but these are different. I don't know what accounts for one pane being less flat than those near it but it does create nice images!
Flickr Macro Monday's challenge this week was "water". That should be easy! Again, I don't know if it is my head space or what but it was another challenging week with hundreds of photos taken and not really meeting the concept in my mind.
On the left is a bubble showing off all it's color. You can check my Flicker SMDPics photo stream to see which one I submitted.
I am sharing with Angie who hosts Mosaic Monday #92 and with Mersad who hosts Through my Lens #252. You can check out my Instagram SMDPics100 for a photo a day!