Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sewing Project - Creating Blocks from Slow Stitching Pieces

Today, I worked on getting the slow stitching pieces sewn to squares.

I wanted to get caught up before the renovations start.

I continued with the decorative stitch in navy thread on the navy seam binding folded in half.

I am mitering the corners and that is working well.

 I cut the rest of the grey squares from the grey cotton fabric to ensure that I have what I need to finish this project at the end of the year.

I have cut enough to have 55 squares which is more than I need for the slow stitching square I will create with the K3N challenge.

It is better to have too many because I really don't know what the end product will be.

This way the rest of the fabric can be put into the cotton pile.

Update: June 24 2024 - I did the QAYG Hexagon and put it in the plastic bag with the others.  I hope to be able to continue with the challenges but with everything put away for at least a couple of weeks who knows.

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