Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sylvia's Simple Shots

 I took this at the St. Albert Botanic Park.  I just adjusted the contrast on this shot but I think it looks painterly.

The dahlias were in fine form with many, many blooms to photograph.

I took a visit to the Little Blue Fiber Studio that I learned about from my niece who heard about it from my sister.

I understand my sister took a needle felting class at the studio some time back.

It has yarn, roving, classes, knitting needles, felting needles, Sashiko thread, and books as well.

I did restrain myself and walked away with no purchase but I will return for roving when I solidify my idea for a future project.

My neice brought the matching chair for the yellow one I've had for quite a while.

I am happy to have a conversation corner in my living room with comfortable chairs.

A bit of light to read by if I choose and a table to hold my cup tea.

Thanks for bring the chair!

I have enjoyed African Violets all summer long.

Being in the east window has agreed with this plant.  I should get another one - just thought of that.

It also gets a grow light for a few hours in the morning.

This is the fountain pen I found at the ReUse Center last week.  It is by Creeks n Creeks and has "Les feminnins de Creeks" written on it's side. 

My research on line seems to indicate it is a  a small French school fountain pen from the late 1980s and early 1990s.

It averages about $50 on line so I am very happy with this find. It is a cartridge pen so I will have to check out where to find those.

I checked on line and found out it takes an international standard fountain pen ink cartridge.

Staples only sells these on line so I could order through the store have some brought in.  I checked with Delta Arts - they had no stock and have been working to get some in from Shaeffer but not been successful yet.  I will check back. 38mm or about 1.5 inches long.

I discovered that I could refill the empty cartridge so that is what I did.  I cleaned the cartridge and the nib thoroughly.  I had a bottle of ink I bought last year for my dip pens so I used that.  The syringe is leftover from dental surgery.  It all worked very well.

Love it!

I needed to put my metallic watercolors into a water proof container.  I found this chocolate box in my stash so I repurposed it.  I discovered that they live in full watercolor pans which is great.

They fit nicely in this box.  The domed lid makes it a bit bulky but for the time being it will do.

I used some large glue dots in the bottom of the box to keep the pans in place.

I have documented the colors here since I will recycle the cardboard box.

I don't think I will ever concern myself with the actual color names.

Seven Blessings by Ruchama King

Story of romantic relationships in the Jewish culture.  Follows several couples and their matchmakers.

Beth is the central character who is 39 years old and really wants to marry but is not finding a mate.

She is recommended several men and dating taking place but there are problems.

I confess that I don't know much about the Jewish culture.  I found the culture was very complicated and there are many rules.

Not a great read.  In the end there is still no marriage. Disappointing.

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